Monday, April 22, 2013

Stay Calm is coming soon!

Screen Shot 2013-04-12 at 12.24.32 PM

Hey folks;
Jen has been kind enough to post on our behalf about the upcoming STAY CALM: Celebrating the life of Shannon Larratt memorial here in Philadelphia, but since I’m going to be posting on ModBlog when the whim strikes (mostly history content. There’s no school like the Old School) I figured now would be as good a time as any to post my first post and what better subject than the event that’s coming up soon!

Here’s the basic rundown:
The Philadelphia area IAM community- known for the last 13 years as ‘the Weirdos’- were always one of the most active IAM groups and when our friend passed away, we decided to throw a small get together to say our respects and our goodbyes. We figured that we’d get around thirty of our old friends, kick back at a bar and tell some stories and raise our glasses.

It’s sort of grown beyond thirty people; to date there are slightly over 200 folks making the trek to Philly by car, bus and plane. The Stay Calm planners have arranged a full day of fun- a family friendly park visit on the morning of 27th April leading into a wild night at Philadelphia’s only Leather Bar (which is owned by IAM members) that’ll feature raffles, drinks (both virgin and alcoholic) and a whole lot of fun.

Once we saw how many people were coming, I reached out to our amazing friends and asked for goodies that we could raffle off- with 100% of the profits going directly to Ari Larratt. They responded generously.

Our sponsors include:
Jimmy Buddha/Diablo Organics
Bishop Organics
Scylla Body Designs & Corsetiere
Gorilla Glass
Luis Garcia @ No Ka Oi
Diabolik DVD
Bella Vendetta
Rites of Passage
A ‘glider heart’ implant + procedure by Brian Decker
Scarification by John Joyce, Efix Roy and Ryan Ouellette
Jewelry (multiple manufacturers) courtesy of John Joyce/Scarab
Original Painting by Twitch
Tattoo gift cards from Off the Map Tattoo
Glider Heart Pendant by Jeremy Smith
… and more!

We’ve also got an AMAZING 18×24 hand screened print (printed in Philadelphia by Awesome Dudes Printing) by legendary poster artist Johnny Thief (pictured above) for sale, and again- 100% of profits go directly into Ari Larratt’s savings account.

If you’ve never been to a BMEfest, Bowling with Weirdos, East Coast BBQ- the events that helped shaped the IAM community- we’d love it if you could make it out and see what all the fuss is about. If you haven’t been to one in years… now’s the best time to come back home.

We have a Facebook RSVP page here that has up to date information on room and ride shares, local Philly tourist information and more as well as our event specific Stay Calm blog.

Thanks for having me here on ModBlog, and I’ll be seeing you all real soon!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Love the Life you live

A mother thinks about her children

Peace isn't the destination, It's the way

Peace isn't the destination, It's the way

When you find peace within yourslef, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others

  1. When you find peace within yourslef, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others 

Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

  1. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Favorite story from the Lord of the Rings

Still my favorite story from the Lord of the Rings set: Viggo Mortensen bonded so much with the horse he rode in the movies that after filming was over he bought it from its owner. If that doesn’t warm your heart I don’t know what could.

Don’t forget that he also bought arwen’s horse for her stunt rider when she couldn’t afford it awww

Also don’t forget that for the rohirrim they put a call out for locals bring a horse show us you can ride it and get a part in the battle scenes and one women went out roped a wild horse and rode for a few days to set #and got to be a rider of rohan

Also sort of relevant viggo also bought the horse that costarred with him in the movie hidalgo and subsequently took the horse (tj) with him to the red carpet premier.

Also most of the Riders of Rohan are actually women because when they put out that call mostly women showed up with their horses and the costume team just stuck beards on them.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Even the most deadly and dangerous creatures on earth know what Co-existence and mutual assistance is.

The incident occurred in the Indian state of Punjab. Two puppies fell into a well. Their mother ran near the well and started barking, and attracted the attention of the owner, who looked inside and to his surprise there was a king cobra at the bottom, which didn't pose any threat to the puppies. Moreover, the reptile, looked after the puppies, by not allowing them to cross to the other side, where they could possibly drown, when the well is filled with water.

In general, they spent around 48 hours together at the bottom and in these 48 hours the cobra sat quietly next to them. When help finally arrived from the forest department, the cobra slithered to the other end of the well. The puppies were not injured at all and the reptile was immediately taken into the woods and was released into the wild.

Even the most deadly and dangerous creatures on earth know what Co-existence and mutual assistance is. The human race is in this respect far behind, and this is our biggest drawback.

Stay Calm Update

This is an update about the Stay Calm event posted below.  Can’t be there in person?  Read on.

What I’d like for you folks who can’t make it to do, if you still want to be here in spirit… is to record a short video talking about your connection to Shannon and the IAM/BME Community. How it’s affected your life. Met a spouse? Had a baby? Traveled to Mexico for BMEFest and used a swimming pool as a gravity bong?

Tell your story!

Then either upload it to YOUTUBE (tagged staycalmbme) or get a account and link me. We’re going edit them together and put them online; shared here on SCPhilly as well as BME. There are some great stories out there; sweet, funny, raunchy… let’s not let them be forgotten.

Oh. Did you guys like the STAY CALM Hand Screened print that Johnny Thief designed for us? Well get this! If you submit a video to the THANK YOU SHANNON! Project- your name goes into a drawing to have one sent to you on us! They’re available exclusively to attendees of the memorial, so you’ll be the coolest kid on your block!

Once you’ve got it online, email with the youtube or dropbox link and you’ll be set.

OH! This is really important. All submitted videos must be shot “properly”.

Videos should be under five minutes, 720dpi or higher if possible, m4v or mov format.

You can read the full post by going here.

We here at BME would really love it if you submitted the videos to BME as well. Please do share your memories of Shannon, whether they be photos, a video or if you want to write up a story or memorial, or anything really, about him. You can submit content via your BME account or by sending it to If you run into any problems at all please email BME support for help.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Look at my shirt!

TRIANGUL-R sent in this really cool photo of himself and I just had to share it.

Fashion design by Triangul-R Photography by fab5  All implants and piercings by Indy Voet (Brussels)

Fashion design by Triangul-R –
Photography by fab5 –
All implants and piercings by Indy Voet (Brussels)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Our hearts are in Boston

All of us here at BME want to express our sympathies and condolences to everyone in Boston and those who were watching or participating in the Boston Marathon today.  Our hearts and thoughts are with you.

If you’re in Boston please check in with us and let us know that you’re OK.

If you were at the marathon today consider adding yourself to the Safe & Well List offered by the Red Cross so that your family and loved ones know you’re OK.

Google is also offering a person finder to check on loved ones.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Stay Calm


On April 27th, in Philadelphia, there will be a gathering to celebrate Shannon’s life and the friendships he helped to foster.  To read more about the event, please visit this blog.  Below is an excerpt from the site about the event:

The weekend will have something for everyone, reminiscent of BME BBQs of the past. There’ll be time at the park, private suspensions, a party/fundraiser at a bar and the eventual hotel shenanigans that IAM events made famous.

We’ve worked out a special group rate at the LOWES Philadelphia (update: SOLD OUT! We’re working on a second block at another local hotel so please stay in touch if you’re in need of accommodations) and are working on other perks. Checking back here or the Facebook event listing will be your best way to keep up with the latest news.

If you know of any other gatherings taking place please feel free to post about them in the comments below.

We just wanted to say thank you, again, for the love and support the community has shown all of us here at BME.  If you’re going to an event please do take pictures and share them with BME, we would love to see them, especially those of us who live too far away to attend anything.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Disney inspired tattoos

The world of tattoos and body art is gradually opening up new doors and vistas, when it comes to bringing innovative and unusual elements within its realm of doable art. Body art, which till yesterday was only for etching skulls on fire and other such grotesque caricatures of other such synonymous topics, is no longer limited to just these clichéd and old print material. As people all around the world open up their mind to the rest of the world, as localization gives way to globalization, more and more people are finding out alternative matter to print on their skin.

It’s a new world as people go back to their childhood days, get back in touch with their spirit of innocence and in the process imagine it up as a decipherable matter enough to get it done on their skins. It is the age of Disney characters, of childhood days cartoons and animations, of the so many characters that rustle up a whole plethora of memories. That is why people are increasingly deciding to touch their soul back from their toddler days, which over the decades have been overwhelmed by this increasingly commercial and pragmatic world.


The history of these tattoos of course lies on the pages of the history of the world of movies. The primary reason why Disney characters attained such heights of popularity was in the first place, due to movies. Over the centuries, as more and more Disney characters got animated into the sets and films of movies. The result: Say “Hello” to an era where Disney characters such as Ariel and Snow White are the desired role models of every girl. Buzz Lightyear became the next big word on the tongues of boys and adults alike. Toy Story is the highest earning animation film till today. That in itself is reason enough to comprehend why animated characters got such critically acclaimed in the first place itself.


Up and into the 21st century, where speaking out your views was no longer a taboo, and body art became the next big medium to day exactly what you had in mind, without even opening your mouth. Bam!! Introducing an age where more and more people got in love with Disney characters and more and more people got into tattoo shops to get their views for a lifetime, etched on ink. All’s fair in love and war, they say, and who couldn’t be in love with these cute characters from the world of Disney??

One direction tattoo competition

In what may be one of the outrageous publicity stints gone astray without success, and also one of the most ironical of all times, One Direction has cancelled their former announcement that fans who can show off their One Direction tattoos on their Twitter profiles will get free tickets to their soon to be released 3D film. However, fans who have begun already to race to the tattoo parlors, please refrain from doing so, for everything that you last heard was a hoax, and the competition has been pulled off due to certain miscellaneous reasons, that have forced the boy band to cancel, what would have been a highly popular publicity strategy.


For those who have no idea, what One Direction is, it is an English-Irish boy band that specializes in the genre of pop music. The band members include Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson. The band first rose to the limelight, when they became the second runner ups in te popular British singing competition, The X Factor in 2010. After delivering several chartbusters and other Top10 Hits, they are today one of the fast growing in popularity boy bands all around the world.

The band, in a recent attempt at popularizing their upcoming film, which is to be shot in 3D, posted a tweet on the social networking site, to all fans to post photos of their One Direction tattoos, the best getting a chance to win free tickets to their film, when it does release. However, in a publicity stunt gone awry, they had to pull off the post and cancel the competition all at once, for the simple reason that the general age pattern of the majority of the band’s fans and followers, do not even qualify for the minimum age that is necessitated in order to get a tattoo. Thus, much to the band’s disappointment, due to sheer pressure of the law extending their hand, they had to cancel the competition.


Had it been pulled off with a fair amount of success, it would have been one of the most ingenious stunts that have ever been pulled for the simple goal of attaining popularity. A spokesperson of the band stated that the post had been posted in error, and thus has been now removed and that everything stated in the post was false and a complete hoax. However, in recent times as has been found, many of the fans still retain their already done tattoos, which is a beacon of light as to what people can do in an attempt to show off their loyalty.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Gulf shores restrictions

In the bleak shores of Gulf Shores, situated in Alabama, USA, a major decision has laid the lives of several body artists and other tattoo craftsmen in a wild state of confusion. The City Council, during the tenure of last week’s session has very responsibly “forgotten” to discuss the agenda of the allocation of land and area to tattoo shops and other such ventures. This move, at the same time has also allowed the city’s Planning Staff to mobilize some more time for the consideration of bringing within this decision’s jurisdiction, other shops of a similar nature, such as pawn shops and cash lending services, rather businesses. In this way, the purposeful delay of the City Council is only to bring other immoral and possibly illegal businesses within the ambit of its restrictions. The city’s Mayor, Robert Craft has admittedly commented on the topic, that there is talk going on for the differentiation of such shops from the to and fro of other places of businesses and work. Since these works are of a different nature, there is a very serious, necessity to compartmentalize such businesses, so as to keep the collateral effects of such places of business away from the hustle and bustle of other places of public inhabitation.


In addition to all of these restrictions, there has been further insult to injury on the part of the City Council. The new regulations that are soon to follow will compel the tattoo businesses, not to operate within the vicinity of less than 1000 feet of other businesses of a similar nature. Moreover, the minimum distance that has to be maintained, when it comes to constructing such places of business within the radar of public institutions such as schools, colleges or parks, is not to be less than 500 feet, at the very minimum.


However, it’s a bonanza, as the City Council hurls insult after insult at the body art industry. With the new decisions passed, there has been a restriction passed on the issuing of new licenses, for at least a period of 120 days. Thus, within the range of this time period, no new tattoo businesses can be set up in any part of the city. What is more, other Baldwin county cities such as Orange Beach, Fairhope and Spanish Fort and Daphne have also issued similar memorandums to take stringent steps and necessary action against the setting up of such body art shops and pawning activities.


Friday, April 5, 2013

A girl and some big holes

The_holeyone sent us in this beautiful self portrait showing off her large-gauge piercings.  Maybe it’s just me but big stretches like this seem to be a lot less common on women than they are on men.  Do you agree?  Disagree?  Do you think my title could have possibly been sadder?

I really enjoy the symmetry in these piercings and, of course, we all enjoy pretty girls.


Ode to Joy

Alessandra Favoritto sent us this photo from the Diabos Mutantes Team Suspension of a first time suspension.  The facial expression is wonderful and I hope it makes you feel as much joy as it did for me.  This is what it’s all about.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

BMEgirls are lovely

It’s no secret, we love our BMEgirls.  Thanks to Gisella_Rose for the gorgeous new photo.

Photographed by: Hatter Marie Side piece by: Tyler Murphy (Sins of Style - CT, SA) Heart sub dermal: Steve Truitt

Photographed by: Hatter Marie
Side piece by: Tyler Murphy (Sins of Style – CT, SA)
Heart sub dermal: Steve Truitt

Ladies, keep those submissions coming.  Men, why are you letting the girls get all the attention?  Let’s see some BMEboys!

Funny Bird

Funny Animation

Really funny animation, take a look at it.

Funny Hugh Laurie & Stephen Fry comedy sketch! Your name, sir? - BBC comedy

Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie perform a hilarious short comedy sketch in a police station. A man making a statement has a surname that is pretty hard to pronounce! Watch this classic moment from the ground-breaking comedy sketch show A Bit of Fry and Laurie for free with BBC Worldwide.

Google Threatens To Kill Users -Comedy

Comedy recently asked Google if they would like to address the public backlash over Google Buzz. They responded with this.

COMEDY: Achmed The Dead Terrorist (ventriloquist)

COMEDY: Achkmeth The Dead Terrorist (ventriloquist)

Dad at Comedy Barn

This is my father. Yes, that is his real laugh. Enjoy

Kicked In The Nuts World Record Holder

WTF TV hits the streets to set a world record for how many times one guy can get women on the street to kick him in the nuts. So painful, so funny.

Miley Cyrus - The Climb

The Climb is the brand new hit single from Miley Cyrus available on Hannah Montana: The Movie Soundtrack in stores March 24! Hannah Montana: The Movie only in Theaters April 10.

Miley Cyrus - Cant Be Tamed

The official music video from Miley Cyrus performing Cant be tamed.

When I Look At You

Music video by Miley Cyrus performing When I Look At You

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Round & Round

Selena Gomezs brand new album A Year Without Rain is available now

Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Official Movie Trailer

Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Movie Trailer - Official. Give Michael Bay two hundred million dollars and what do you get? Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

TRON LEGACY - Trailer 2 - HQ - 1080p

TRON LEGACY coming to theaters 2010 in Disney Digital 3D.

Iron Man 2 Trailer 2 (OFFICIAL)

You wanted more "Iron Man 2" You got it! Feast your eyes on the second official Iron Man 2 trailer! Watch it now!

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

From Darth Mauls brother to Asajj Ventress origins, we analyze the new revelations.

Vanessa Hudgens Say Ok Music Video (Official with Zac Efron)

Say Ok is the second single from High School Musicals own Vanessa Hudgens. Her debut album V is in stores now and features the hit single "Come Back To Me".

The Twilight Saga Eclipse Official Full Trailer (HD)

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Full Trailer is finally online! Check it out and make sure to Subscribe to our channel for all the latest Twilight News.

Inkheart Movie

The first trailer of the film inkheart movie in italy.And liguria (Alassio, Iguelia, Balestrino). And Piedmont to Entracque (CN)

Funny Video

Music: Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting. Must watch.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Mechanical Demon

Arseniy Andersson‘s submissions to BME are never dull, that’s for sure!  He did the ear pointing and tongue splitting in the photo below.  The transdermals were done by Lari Lahti and Samppa Von Cyborg, the eyeballs by xRonix.

Ear pointing and tongue split done by Arseniy Andersson Transdermals by Lari Lahti and Samppa Von Cyborg. Eyeballs by xRonix

Ear pointing and tongue split by Arseniy Andersson
Transdermals by Lari Lahti and Samppa Von Cyborg.
Eyeballs by xRonix

Research Request

Occasionally we receive requests for help from people who are doing research.  The following is one such request.  If you’re interested in helping with this research please get in touch via the contact information below.

I am conducting research into the experience of people who define themselves as transabled and am looking for participants.  It is not a medical study but one focusing on what it is like for transabled people, their thoughts, feelings, desires, hopes, stories, relationships and so on – indeed any and all aspects of their lives which they are willing to share.  It is hoped that the research will promote understanding and awareness of transableism.  If you would like to know more, please contact me at or go to:

Clive Baldwin, Canada Research Chair in narrative Studies, St Thomas University, Fredericton, NB

Harry styles tattoo shock

Tattoos may be a great way to show off your beliefs, like you get your favorite saying etched on your hand, or the name of your beloved to show your love and the permanence of it, and for a other host of reasons, tattoos can prove to be an awesome method to subtly show off the workings of your brain behind. However, there is always a thin line on which we dwell between the dimensions of sublime and the grotesque.  Body art is art, true, but there is a certain level to which it can climb on the rungs of mercy, beyond which it just becomes art for art’s sake. So is the case for One Direction star, Harry Styles, who in a recent post of his, shot himself and his all new butterfly tattoo all over his midriff and posted it online. However, herein lies the celebrity being at the mercy of the review and the critique of his fans. What was actually an attempt to promote the cause of transgender issues, has gone sour with most viewers and other critics labeling it as “gay”!!!


What may have been a symbol for sublimity, leveling on the brim of being called a show for a good cause, has now been dubbed monstrosity. Harry Styles belongs to the English-Irish boy band, One Direction, who in a recent rise to fame has become one of the most popular boy bands ever to be created. With thousands of fans and followers, a number of Top10 Hits and chartbusters and so on, Harry may have thought that his actions were beyond criticism, that he might have the Midas’ touch. Oops!! Guess somebody made a mistake while calculating his liabilities. However, One Direction is not in the limelight over tattoo issues, for just this cause.


This is the second stint in recent times that they got the camera’s flash over body art issues. In a recent attempt to publicize their upcoming 3D movie, One Direction had announced to all fans and followers to post their One Direction tattoos on Twitter in photos, and the best would get a chance to win free tickets to the movie when it did release. However, the announcement was called off over the simple reason that the age pattern of the majority of their fans is below what is the minimum age required to get a tattoo. With Harry’s tattoo shock and their tattoo publicity stunt gone awry, looks like One Direction fell in the wrong books of Body Art God, if something like that does exist!!


Monday, April 1, 2013

North bend bans tattoo parlors

Deep in the realms of North Bend, Washington, a recently passed ordinance has wrecked the plans and wishes of one individual in particular, but through him a whole community has been undermined. The ordinance that has been passed, earlier allowed the construction of tattoo parlors and such other businesses, not in the immediate vicinity of the commercial zone of the city, but in an employment park zone in the easternmost edge of the city. North Bend Planning Council did have in mind to allow the activities of one David Herman, who sought to open a tattoo parlor in the city’s commercial zone.


Herman was seeking to advantage of a loophole in the law that propounded that although tattoo businesses would not be allowed in the premises of the commercial zones, home based businesses. Herman bought a shop and an apartment above, thus converting his so called illegal business into a legal and credible one. However, the City Council at the last moment did not give their approval of the project, and denied him permission to materialize his plans by issuing an emergency ordinance, that validated the actions of the City Council.

North Bend’s planning and development director Gina Estep, admittedly reported that she did discuss all the disadvantages and problems that Herman might face, if he did go forward with his desired plans. She also told the press that she had held meetings with Herman about other construction related problems, regulations and so on and only then did she inform the City Council as to his proposed venture. The attorney did indicate that Herman’s venture being a home business, it could not be termed as illegal in any way, nor could it be stopped by the power vested in the law.


The catch in the plan was when City Administrator Londi Lindell advocated that tattoo parlors, adult entertainments and such types of businesses, were “sensitive” and grey area zones when it came to constitutional settlement. Therefore, in a revision of the previous ordinance, the City Council prohibited David Herman from building his shop, and led to a dramatic chain of events. Other allegations were leveled against him as to the plans not meeting the space requirements, the space limitation of home businesses being no more than 500 sq. ft. This, and everything else, has led to the case being adjourned for a period of 60 days. The ordinance will be laid for review, and further outcomes are still to be known.