Sunday, April 21, 2013

Favorite story from the Lord of the Rings

Still my favorite story from the Lord of the Rings set: Viggo Mortensen bonded so much with the horse he rode in the movies that after filming was over he bought it from its owner. If that doesn’t warm your heart I don’t know what could.

Don’t forget that he also bought arwen’s horse for her stunt rider when she couldn’t afford it awww

Also don’t forget that for the rohirrim they put a call out for locals bring a horse show us you can ride it and get a part in the battle scenes and one women went out roped a wild horse and rode for a few days to set #and got to be a rider of rohan

Also sort of relevant viggo also bought the horse that costarred with him in the movie hidalgo and subsequently took the horse (tj) with him to the red carpet premier.

Also most of the Riders of Rohan are actually women because when they put out that call mostly women showed up with their horses and the costume team just stuck beards on them.