Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More Aussie Diggers shot in another rogue attack

[caption id="attachment_301" align="alignnone" width="650" caption="Attacked again: Three more Aussie Diggers have been wounded by a rogue Afghan soldier. Picture: Ramage Gary"]aussie-diggers[/caption]

ANOTHER Afghan national army soldier has reportedly opened fire on fellow troops, wounding three Australians.

The ABC reports the incident occurred at a base in Oruzgan province.

It says another two Afghan soldiers were wounded, with the three Australians suffering non life-threatening injuries.

The troops were taken to a military hospital at Tarin Kowt.

It comes less than a fortnight since one of Australia's worst losses in Afghanistan.

On October 29, a rogue Afghan army soldier opened fire during a parade in Kandahar province, killing three Australian soldiers.